Images of Dance:
Australian and New York Dancers
This body of work is inspired by the dancers rehearsing in their studio. There is a raw energy and new perspective in these works taken from the experience of creating images of the dancers developing the performance in their own familiar surrounds.
Hermia (2010)
Hippolyta's Dance before the Dream (2010)
Hippolyta's Dance before the Dream 2 (2010)
Hippolyta's Dance before the Dream 3 (2010)
Battle of Titania and Oberon (2010)
Dancing Puck (2010)
Oberon and Titania 3 (2010)
Flying Puck 1 (2009)
Oberon and Titania (2009)
Blue Dancer 3 (2009)
Marionette 1 (2009)
Dancer in Blue 2 (2009)
Toes 1 (2009)
Puck 2 (2009)
Four Dancers (2008)
Spin 2 (2008)
Reach (2008)
New York Dancer 2 (2008)
Laura 3 (2009)
Luke (2007)